Marc Carullo


I build things for devices and the web.

Recent: Requisition Dashboard

Tech I Use
  • UI / UX, Responsive Design
  • Android / iOS Development
  • One-Page Web Applications
  • Dynamic & Location-Aware Content
  • Database Development

Selected Projects

Requisition Dashboard
The client required a tool that accessed an existing SQL database. Originally conceived as a supply requisition browser, it developed into a micro project-tracking application.

Rekonn App
A location-based alerts platform developed for devices. The application sends Android / iOS push notifications for upcoming music events in the user's area.

Legal Case Explorer
A local law firm required an integrated management and search application for their existing and past cases. The application logs user-based searches and case views.

Adsorption Database
NIST in Gaithersburg, MD required a system for managing and searching an evolving dataset from carbon capture experiments.

Social Media Platform
MotorMeet is an all-inclusive resource for auto enthusiasts. The site allows you to connect and share your rides with others across the country.

Music Resource Portal
Comprehensive web presence for a music event directory. Visitors are able to create accounts and view latest site-wide activity.

TourLab App
TourLab features over 12 years of booking data for 3,500 venues across N. America and Europe. The app enables bands to research and plan their tours.

Fantasy Sports UI

  UI Design Project
The client required numerous views for a fantasy betting site. With multiple sports incorporated, the layouts were developed using CSS3 and jQuery.

NIST DOI Browser
Connecting to the NIST dataset, this search was built to browse raw DOI entries and related matching content. The results are paginated using AJAX.

Marketing One-Pager
Legacy software site condensed into a responsive, one-page layout.


Apart from work, I enjoy most of my time outdoors. Included on my bucket list are thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail and also completing Hadrian’s Wall Path in the UK. When indoors, I am a big fan of indie, sci-fi, neo-noir & neo-western movies. I also tinker with audio, video and random DIY projects.


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